Air Canada Sees Higher Capacity in 4Q, Lowers Full Year Capacity Forecast

Adriano Marchese

Air Canada said Monday it expects higher capacity in the fourth quarter, but lowers its forecast for the full year, while costs are now seen higher.

The Canadian flagship airline said it plans to increase its available seat miles, a measurement of operating capacity, by about 10% in the fourth quarter compared with the prior-year period.

For 2023, however, Air Canada now forecasts that ASM capacity will be about 20% higher than 2022. In August, the company had previously set an expectation for this to be about 21% higher.

Adjusted operating expense per available seat miles, a metric which measures the efficiency of the airline, is now expected to be about 1.5% to 2.25% above 2022 levels, compared with a previous expectations of between 0.5% and 1.5%.

Air Canada said it is adjusted its guidance to reflect the change in full year ASM capacity guidance, as well as adjustments to various expense items in the current cost environment.

Write to Adriano Marchese at [email protected]

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